Blogs Sure Suck
Posted by admin on Jun 13, 2012 in YouBuyHouses Blog | 0 comments
I like technology. I am what marketing people call an “early adopter”. That doesn’t mean that I managed to buy a Lithuanian baby before that Anjelina chick with the bar-fight lips, it means that I tend to latch onto new technology quickly.
I’ve used smart phones for 10 years. Think of the iPhone or a ‘droid phone only dumber, slower and in grayscale. Yeah. I also once paid 700 bucks for a Palm Treo 600 ’cause it rocked, baby! Jason and I made Vena’s first website in Microsoft FrontPage. (For the non-technical, that was so long ago that texting didn’t exist.)
My point here is that I’m NOT anti-technology. I have 6 computers in this room and I’m AT HOME.
But I do hate stupid. And most blogs are stupid. Real estate blogs seem to be even more stupider. (See, I made a joke! I AM funny! People will be sure to link to this bitch now!) Yeah, like that. They want to be all folksy and pretend to be high-minded. “I just want to help educate Mankind.” But mostly they are a bunch of Bull.
The purpose of a commercial blog is to attract attention and traffic. Period. Don’t believe the hype! Often they are used as kind of a lame soft-sell. Joe Guru might say in his blog…
“As I lay on my deck peacefully contemplating my beautiful children as they wiled away the last rays of the summer sun, I was suddenly sad that I could not think of how to help my students achieve massive success with online wholesaling. Then, as a Lark cried out, I remembered that my good and dear friend Boogie Bob had just written a fantastic e-course on that very subject. Dabbing away my tears of joy I called Boogie and arranged a very special offer for my closest and most beloved students.”
Gag me. I’ve taken some license, sure, but I am paraphrasing the blog of a very successful online real estate guy. My new point is… I won’t do that.
Here is the straight dope. I want you to come back and read this thing often, I want you to subscribe to it and talk about it and “stumble upon” it and link to it and tweet it. I want you to do that so that I can get more traffic and attention so I can sell more wholesale deals so I can make more money so I can buy more stuff. I like stuff.
What’s in it for you? Here is my master plan to get you to do all of those things: I intend to be useful and entertaining. I’m gonna’ drop some truth. About real estate, real estate investing, wholesaling, landlording, rehab, all that stuff. I will occasionally (just for fun) pull back the curtain on the Speaker world a little. I will answer your questions! I will disseminate useful information and call shenanigans on the BS. I will try to be funny and even sometimes witty. Sometimes I will rant a little. I may even offend.
Stay tuned…